Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day Shift At Last...

It's been a while since I last blogged about taxi cab driving & life in general...

I've shifted to day shift from night shift. My day begins at 5:00 AM when my alarm goes off. 5:30 or so, I'm heading to the cab lot. 5:45 I'm off and running in Red Cab #89.

I've had to re-learn patterns. Take copious amounts of notes on jobs that go out, when, where, who, how much and ascertain whether they are regular customers I should be concerned about remembering. I've gotten somewhat accustomed to the fast & furious pace at which jobs come & go and how to strategically position myself to hopefully get more work and make more money... Night shift driving and having a survivalist's brain in my skull have trained me well for the savagery of day shift. I'm not even exagerating about how much tougher it is on day shift and I WAS WARNED and it's true, but I think I'm doing okay, duking it out with veteran cab drivers, as I'm rapidly becoming an experienced cab driver in my own right.

I switched to day for two big reasons:

I want to spend more time with my girlfriend Brooke who I love very much. Working days means that I can live more of a normal life and do things with Brooke or even on my own solo when everyone else is out & about doing things instead of the strange twisted schedule of night shift. She & I both thought that the two of us having opposite schedules would allow us to have our own personal space & time, but we quickly discovered that we wanted to spend MORE time together rather than just as ships passing eachother in the night, only really getting together on Saturday nights & Sunday. Since switching to day shift, things have only gotten better for us...

Second reason... Money. As summer approaches, the cab business starts to suffer. The college kids leave town. People start walking or bicycling or whatever else instead of taking cabs and there's less money to be made driving a cab. But during the day, there are still elder home care jobs, still doctor's office visits, still grocery store runs, etc. and I figured that I'd been on nights long enough and proven myself to be a reliable, conscientious, good-earner cab driver and that the company wouldn't mind me switching to days.

Okay... third reason... Day shift means I can actually go out at night again. I can go for scooter rides, go to bars instead of just dropping off customers at the bars, go for walks at night and watch the stars...

The only down side to day shift, aside from the lying, cheating & stealing that routinely goes on, is that I tend to physically crash (get super tired) around 9:30pm. Oh well... I'm pretty sure I can live with that...

There have been quite a few adventures of late, but I'll attempt to tackle them later on...

1 comment:

Big Asshole said...

Hey man, I don't get around to checking out much on the comics front, but to date, I've always enjoyed your stuff. I came across some cool stuff today and thought you might be interested.

Have you seen this:


His "graphs" are pretty cool too.